Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 269
State of Florida }
Alachua County   }
                     At a regular term of the Circuit
Court for the Eastern Circuit of Florida, this day to wit on the
Tenth day of December Anno Domini 1855, begun and held
at Newnansville for the County of Alachua aforesaid,
    Present His Honor William A. Forward Judge &c
James M. Baker Esqr Solicitor &c, George Ellis, Sheriff & Lemuel
Willson Clerk.
        On motion of the Solicitor James M. Baker Esqr It
is ordered by the Court that the venire be quashed, not being returned
in time and that the Sheriff proceed forthwith to summon Thirty
nine good and lawful men to compose a special venire of Jurors
for the Term  Whereupon the Sheriff summoned the following to
serve as Jurors for the present term: to wit:
1   Samuel R. Pyles         9   Archelaus Hague       17  William May
2   David J. Ridaught       10  William Gavin         18  James Garner
3   Hardee Polk             11  Asa Clark Jr.         19  Mitchell Kirkland
4   Josiah Seckinger        12  Richard Ward          20  Jas M. Geiger
5   Joseph Wightman         13  David Gillett         21  Benj T. Reeves
6   Valentine R. Prevatt    14  Levander Morgan       22  Simeon J. Sanchez
7   Hope Mott               15  George H. Sharp       23  William E. Stephens
8   John G. Rawls           16  Jeremiah Gamage       24  Martin Wimberly
25  John D.A. Weimer        26  Elias Earle           27  Stephen L. Nostrand
28  Charles L. Wilson       29  Joseph Sapington      30  John H. Ellis
31  Mathew B. Hawkins       32  David Mizelle         33  John M. Hires
34  Burrell T. Stokes       35  Horace Merry          36  Juan A. Sistere
37  Peter Sparkman          38  John C. Pelot         39  Oliver Bryant
All of whom having answered to their names Except Ben-
-jamin Mott, the following were Excused by the Court, to wit
Randolph Floyd, Noble A. Strobhar Solomon Warren, David
B. Coker & Gabriel S. Sanchez, for reasons stated to the Court -
   The following were then chosen & selected as grand 
Jurors for the present Term to wit,
1  Samuel R. Pyles           6  Valentine R. Prevatt      11  Asa Clark Jr.
2  David J. Ridaught         7  Hope Mott                 12  Richard Ward
3  Hardee Polk               8  John G. Rawls             13  David Gillett
4  Josiah Seckinger          9  Archelaus Hague           14  Levander Morgan
5  Joseph Weightman         10  William Gavin             15  George H. Sharp
who having retired under direction of the Court to select their
foreman, thereafter and upon the same day returned into
Court and reported Samuel R. Pyles to be their choice
for Foreman, he was duly approved and appointed by
the Court as such, Whereupon said Samuel R. Pyles was
duly sworn to discharge his duties as foreman as aforesaid 
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 October 2013
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