Monday December 10th 1855
as the aforesaid member of the Grand Jury who having re-
ceived the charge of the Court, retired under charge of
Jerome N. Jones (who was duly Sworn as Bailiff of said Jury
for the Term) to deliberate upon such business as might be
brought before them -
The Court then took Recess until Three o'clock
The Court convened after recess, and proceeded with
the Call of the trial Docket -
Ordered that the Clerk issue Rule ni si for
Benjamin Mott a defaulting Juror to Show cause why
he should not be fined for contempt for non appearance
after Summons.
Wiley Brooks admr &c } Rogers & Wheaton
vs } assumpsit
Lemuel Willson } McIntosh
And now on this day came the parties by their respec-
tive attorneys and the said defendant having said nothing in bar
or preclusion of the said plaintiff's said action hereof against him
on motion of plaintiff's attorneys it is ordered by the Court that the
plaintiff do have his Judgment against the said defendant
by default for want of a plea and that the Clerk do assess
the damages Whereupon the Clerk having under direction of
plaintiffs counsel assessed the damages at Ninety Nine
Dollars and Sixty cents, It is further ordered Considered
and adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff do have and
recover of and from the said defendant the said sum
of Ninety Nine Dollars and Sixty cents for his Damages
together with his costs in this behalf Expended Taxed at
Dollars and cents and
the defendant in Mercy &c