Monday December 10th 1855
Philip Dell Exor &c } Coker
B M. Dell Decd }
vs } Assumpsit
Solomon F. Halliday } Lancaster
And now on this day came the parties by their respect
tive attorneys and the said defendant saying nothing in Bar or
preclusion of the said plaintiff's said action hereof against him
It is ordered by the Court, that the plaintiff do have his judgment
against the defendant by default for want of a plea, and that
the Clerk do assess the damages, Whereupon the Clerk having
assessed the damages at One hundred & thirty three Dollars and
thirty cents It is further ordered considered and
adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff do have and recover
of and from the defendant the said sum of One hundred
thirty three Dollars and thirty ------ cents for his damages
together with his costs in this behalf Expended Taxed at
Three ------ Dollars and forty five cents
and the defendant in mercy &c
Philip Dell }
Exor &c } Coker
B.M. Dell Decd }
vs } Assumpsit
John D.A. Weimar } McLin
And now on this day came the parties by their
respective attorneys and the said defendant saying nothing
in Bar or preclusion of the said plaintiff's said action hereof
against him, It is on motion of plaintiffs attorney ordered that
the plaintiff do have his Judgment against the defendant by
default and that the Clerk do assess the Damages Whereupon
the Clerk having assessed the Damages at One hundred &
twenty two Dollars and fifteen cents, It is further
ordered Considered and adjudged by the Court, that the plaintiff
do have and recover of and from the defendant, the said Sum
of One hundred & twenty two Dollars and fifteen
cents for his Damages aforesaid together with his costs in this
behalf Expended, Taxed at Four Dollars and
------- cents and the defendant in mercy &c