Circuit Court Eastern Circuit of Florida
County of Alachua
At a regular Term of the Circuit Court of the Eastern Circuit of
the State of Florida for the County of Alachua begun and held at the
Court House in Newnansville in Said County of Alachua on Monday
the fifth (5th) day of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty one
Present the Honorable Thomas J. Douglas Judge &c
It appearing to the Court that the venire heretofore issued and
made returnable to this term of the said Court was informal on motion
of John P. Sanderson Esqr. Solicitor, it is ordered that said venire be
quashed; and it is further ordered that a Special Venire issue returnable
forthwith - Said Special Venire having been issued, Served, and returned
the following thirty nine good and lawful men were summoned to serve
as Jurors at the present term of said Court to wit,
1 Arthur Floyd 20 Garry Ford
2 Samuel B. Colding 21 Simeon Dell
3 Nathaniel Jones 22 Wiley Hicks
4 H.H. Colson 23 George Gillett
5 William Mott 24 Daniel Strobal
6 Thomas B. Holder 25 William J. Turner
7 Daniel Linn 26 James A. Turner
8 Isac J. Carter 27 James S. Chessire
9 John S. Chessire 28 Henry Hennis
10 Thomas W. Green 29 Samuel R. Pyles
11 James G. Cameron 30 Philip Dell
12 B.M. Dell 31 Elijah Barrow
13 James Burnett 32 Burrill T. Stokes
14 John A. Deen 33 N.A. Strobahr
15 John Hunt 34 E.T. Geiger
16 Arch OSteen 35 William D. Clark
17 Redding Tuten 36 William Hornsby
18 Joseph Mizell 37 John Cason
19 John Dixon 38 Bryant Glisson
39 John R. Zetrowar
The following named persons good and lawful men were drawn according
to law, to Serve as grand Jurors at the present term of the Court to wit
1 Garry Ford 8 Samuel R. Pyles
2 James A. Turner 9 Thomas W. Green
3 Wiley Hicks 10 William J. Turner
4 Elijah Barrow 11 John Hunt
5 N.A. Strobhar 12 Redding Tuten
6 H.H. Colson 13 Arch OSteen
7 I.J. Carter 14 Simeon Dell
15 John Cason