Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 041
  Monday May 5th 1851
until the next term and that the defendant do pay all the costs of the present

State of Florida  }
      vs          }  Indictment for selling to a Slave without license
George W. Aldrich }
                     On motion of the Solicitor a nolle prosequi is
ordered to be entered in this case on condition that the defendant do
pay all the costs of this prosecution.

State of Florida  }
      vs          }  Indictment for adultery & fornication
Warren More       }
                     It appearing to the Court that the defendant had
not been arrested on motion of the Solicitor it is ordered that this
case be continued and that an alias capias do issue

State of Florida           }
      vs                   }  Indictment for adultery & fornication
Amelia Ann Elizabeth Bryant}
                              The like order as above

State of Florida           }
      vs                   }  Scire facias as defaulting Juror
Caleb Higginbotham         }
                              On motion of the Solicitor it is ordered that
this case be continued, and that a copy of the rule in this cause be
sent to the Sheriff of Putnam County to be served on the defendant

State of Florida   }
     vs            }  Indictment for adultery & fornication
Michael Peterson   }
                      On motion of the Solicitor it is ordered that
a nolle prosequi be entered, in that case on condition that the
defendant do pay all the costs of this prosecution

William Dell       }  Hately
     vs            }           Assumpsit
James Pendarvis    }
                     On motion of the plaintiff's counsel it is ordered that the
case be dismissed at the plaintiffs costs, Thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the
Court that the defendant do recover of the plaintiff the Sum of Two dollars and forty five cents
for his costs in and about his suit in this behalf expended and the plaintiff in  mercy &c
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 March 2011
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