Monday May 5th 1851
=mance of the promises and assumptions in the plaintiffs
declaration mentioned, as well as the sum of Eleven
dollars and five cents for their costs in and about
his suit in this behalf expended and the defendant in mercy &c
William H. Rosseau } Smith & OBrien
vs } Assumpsit
Joseph Wilkerson } Hately
It appearing to the Court that the
defendant in this case resides in Levy County and that the
Summons had been served upon him in Levy County after said County
had been annexed to the Southern Judicial Circuit, on motion
of defendants counsel it is ordered that the service of the
Summons in this case be set aside
John A. Summerlin } Province
vs } Assumpsit
Sylvester Bryant & } Smith & OBrien
Isac P. Hardee It appearing to the Court that the defendant
in this case reside in Levy County, and that the Summons in
this case had been served upon them in Levy County after said County had
been annexed to the Southern Judicial Circuit of Florida - It is
considered and adjudged by the Court that the service of the
Summons in this case be set aside, to which decision of the
Court the Counsel for the plaintiff excepted
Briant Glisson, Mary A. Moody, James Pendarvis, Erastus Pendarvis, Daniel Strobles
L.M. Kenna, B.T. Stokes, S.B. Colding, Daniel Linn and James S. Chessire were
sworn to give evidence before the Grand Jury
It is ordered that a fine of Ten dollars be entered up
against John S. Chessire for disturbing the Court by
disorderly conduct
Thereupon the Court adjourned until too morrow morning
9 OC
Tho Douglas Judge
&c &c