Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 045
   Tuesday May 6th 1851  The Court met pursuant to adjournment
                 Present the Hon Thomas Douglas  Judge
Daniel Bell et al     }
owner of the Steamboat}
Glasgow               }  Assumpsit
         vs           }
Parsons & Co          }
                         On this day came Bird M. Pearson Esqr.
attorney for the defendants and moved the Court to open the default
entered in this case upon yesterday which motion is granted, and
it is further ordered that this case be continued until the next term
of this Court and the said Bird M. Pearson enters his appearance for the
said defendant

State of Florida  }
       vs         }  Indictment for keeping a gaming house
George M. Galpin  }
                   On this day came as well the solicitor of the state of
Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr. who prosecutes the pleas of the State in 
this behalf as well as the defendant in his own proper person and Charles
A.M. Mitchel Esqr. his Attorney, and the said defendant pleaded not
guilty and put himself upon the Country thereupon came a Jury to wit
1  Daniel Linn           5  Arthur Floyd             9  George Gillett
2  Nathaniel Jones       6  J.R. Zetrower            10 Joseph Mizell
3  William Mott          7  T.B. Holder              11 James S. Chessire
4  Samuel B. Colding     8  J.A. Deen                12 Henry Hennis
           who were duly sworn well and truly to try the issue joined be-
tween the State of Florida and the said defendant - Zachariah Wellhoner
Elijah Barrow, A.E. Geiger and Samuel W. Burnett were examined
as witnesses on behalf of the prosecution
           And the said Jury having heard the evidence, and
the arguments of Counsel, and the charge of the Court, retired out of Court
to consider of their verdict and thereafter and upon the same day
the said Jury returned into Court, and informed the Court that they
could not agree upon a verdict, Whereupon by consent of the parties it is ordered by
the Court that the Jury be discharged from the further considera=
=tion of this cause. And on motion of the Solicitor a nole
prosequi is entered in this cause upon condition that the defendant
do pay all the costs of this prosecution

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 April 2011
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