Tuesday May 6th 1851
David Bruton for the } Yelveston
use of Joseph Harnell }
vs } Assumpsit
Jacob A. Skeper }
John Jos. Sanchez & }
James G. Dell } Bradford
The demurrer in this case coming
on to be heard after arguments of Counsel the demurrer was overruled
by the Court, and on motion of plaintiff's counsel it is order that the
defendant append to his declaration a bill of particulars
The Grand Jury came into Court and returned the following Bill
of Indictment
State of Florida }
vs } Indictment for adultery & fornication
Sarah Wilkinson } A True Bill
Saml R. Piles Foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Indictment for adultery
Melinda McKinney } A True Bill
Saml R. Piles Foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Indictment for marking cattle
James Kennard } Not a true Bill
Saml R. Piles Foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Indictment for adultery & fornication
Arnold B. Fussel } A True Bill
Saml R. Piles foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Indictment for adultery & fornication
Arnold B. Fussel } A True Bill
Saml R. Piles foreman
State of Florida } Indictment for resisting the
vs } Execution of process
John Chesser } A True Bill Saml R. Piles foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Indictment for Libel
William Sparkman } A True Bill Saml R. Piles foreman
There being no further business
before the Grand Jury they are discharged for the Term |