Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 048
  Tuesday May 6th 1851

State of Florida   }
Alachua County     }
                    I, George Riddle do declare on oath that it
is bona fide my intention to become a citizen of the United States
and to renounce all allegiance and fidelity to all and any foreign
prince, potentate, state & sovereignty whatever and particular to Victoria
Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland
Six day of May 1851                          George Riddle
Sworn to & subscribed
before me this 8th day of May 1851

George Draper & Eleanor B. Eldridge  }       Sanderson
Merchants trading under the name &   }
Style of Eldridge & Co               }   Debt
             vs                      }
Calvin Bryan                         }       J.M. Robert Baker

                 On this day came the parties by their attorneys
and the defendant Saying nothing in bar or preclusion of the
plaintiffs action it is ordered that the plaintiff do have a Judge-
           nil dicit                   assess the damages                       
ment by default and that the Clerk do assessed the amount of the debt
& damages            assessed the damages 
and the said Clerk having assessed the amount of the debt at Two
               twenty nine 
hundred and ninety eight dollars and forty cents and thereupon
it considered and adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff do
have and recover of and from the said defendant the Sum of
Two hundred and ninety eight dollars for his debt and damages
in plaintiffs declaration mentioned as well as the sum of
dollars and          cents for his costs in and about his Suit
in this behalf expended and the defendant in mercy and it is or=
=dered that no Execution do issue upon this Judgement until the next Term of this Court

Seaborn J. Standley    }
        vs             }     Assumpsit
John Kitler            }
                        Demurrer to declaration
   The demurrer in this case coming on to be heard, after argu-
-ment of Counsel the demurrer was overruled by the Court
and the motion of defendants counsel leave is granted to him
to take out the pleas, for the purpose of amending the same and
leave is granted to to defendant counsel to file additional pleas

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 April 2011
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