Tuesday May 6th 1851
John S. Chessire and Joseph G. Bell
and William H. Cone appeared in open Court and acknowledged themselves
owe and Stand indebted to the State of Florida in manner following
that is to Say the said John S. Chesser in the sum of five hundred dollars
and the said Joseph G. Bell and the said William H. Cone in the sum
of two hundred and fifty dollars each, to be levied of their respective
goods and chattels, lands, and tenements if default be made in the follow
=ing condition that is to Say if the Said John S. Chesser shall be and
appear at the next term of this Court to answer to an Indictment for
Resisting process and shall then depart without leave, then this
obligation to be null and void else to remain in full force and virtue
Thereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow morning
9 OC Tho Douglas Judge
&c &c
Wednesday May 7th 1851
Court met pursuant to adjournment
present the Hon Thomas Douglas Judge &c
George Draper & Eleanor B. Eldridge } Sanderson
Merchants trading under the name & style}
of Eldridge & Co } Debt
vs }
Calvin Bryan } Baker
It appearing to the Court that there is an error in the Judgement
entered in this case upon yesterday it is ordered that Said entry be stricken
out and that the following stand in lieu thereof
Now on this day came the above named parties by
their attorneys and the defendant Saying nothing in bar or preclusion of the plain-
tiffs action it is ordered that the plaintiff do have a Judgement by nil dicit
and that the Clerk do assess the damages for the detention of the debt,
and the Said Clerk having assessed the damages Sixty nine dollars and
twenty four cents, making in the whole Two hundred and ninety eight
dollars and forty cents. Thereupon it is considered by the Court that
the plaintiff do recover the debt on the declaration mentioned and
also the damages so addressed as aforesaid making on the whole the
sum of Two hundred and ninety eight dollars and forty cents and
also the further sum of dollars and cents for the
costs in and about their suit in this behalf expended And the defen-
-dant in mercy &c and it is further ordered that no Execution do issue
upon the Judgement until the next term of this Court