Circuit Court Eastern Citcuit Florida
County of Alachua
At a regular term of the Circuit Court of the Eastern
of the State of Florida for the County of Alachua begun and held
at the Court House in Newnansville in Said County of Alachua
on Monday the Eighth (8th) day of December one thousand Eight
hundred and Fifty one
Present the Honl Thomas Douglas Judge &c
It appearing to the Court that the Venire heretofore
issued and made returnable to this term of Said Court was
informal, on motion of John P. Sanderson Esqr Solicitor it is
ordered that Said venire be quashed, and it is further ordered
that a Special venire issue returnable forthwith instanter, Said Special
venire having been issued, Served and returned the following
thirty nine good and lawful men were Summoned to Serve as
Jurors at the present term of Said Court to wit;
1 Hardy Havard 15 Wm H. Carpenter
2 Isaih Thomas 16 Wm T. Malphurs
3 James B. Colding 17 McKeen Carlton
4 Cornelius Johns 18 Thomas B. Holder
5 Joseph B. Holder 19 John B. Cason
6 Robert Bevan 20 Cornelius Rain
7 Wm B. Wimberly 21 John M. Geiger
8 Mathew Chesser 22 Joseph Warren
9 Martin Wimberly 23 Wm F. Smith
10 Wyat C. Allen (excused) 24 Joseph F. Prevatt
11 James Thompkins 25 Benjamin Mills
12 David Gillett 26 Joseph A. Everitt
13 John C. Celon 27 Saml Baxley
14 Wm Malphurs 28 Thomas Green
29 Burrel T. Stokes
30 S.B. OSteen
31 Isaac Johns
32 N.A. Strobhar
33 James S. Chesser
34 Thomas Piles
35 Daniel Linn
36 Henry Gibbons
37 Arthur Floyd
38 John Stephens
39 Andrew Robb
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