Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 052
              Monday December 8 1851

The following named persons good and Lawful men
were drawn according to law to Serve as Grand Jurors
at the present term of the Court to wit

1  John M. Geiger               8  James Thompkins
2  Cornelius Rains              9  Joseph F. Prevatt
3  Thomas Green                 10 L.B. Osteen
4  Isaac Johns                  11 N.A. Strobhar
5  James S. Chesser             12 Thomas Piles
6  Daniel Linn                  13 Henry Gibbons
7  Arthur Floyd                 14 John Stephens
                 15 Andrew Robb
    who having retired Selected John M. Geiger as
their foreman who was appointed by the Court as Such
Foreman, the Grand Jurors were then Sworn and the Court
thereupon delivered its Charge to the Grand Jury
        Giles Burnett was duly Sworn to attend the Grand
Jury during the present term, whereupon the Grand Jury
retired to their room

State of Florida    }  Indictment
       vs           }     for
Warren Moore        }  Adultery & Fornication
                       It appearing that the Defendant had
not been arrested, on motion of the Solicitor it is ordered
that this case be continued, and that pluries capias
do issue

State of Florida           }    Indictment for
     vs                    }
Emelia Ann Elizabeth Bryant} Adultery & Fornication
              The like order as in the above case
in all respects

State of Florida           }  Default as Juror
          vs               }
Caleb Higgenbotham         }
                              It appearing that the rule in this
had not been Served it is ordered that this case be

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 March 2011
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