State of Florida } Indictment
vs } for
Arnold B. Fussell } Adultery & Fornication
On this day came as well the Solicitor of the
State of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the
pleas of the State in this behalf as the Defendant in his own
proper person and Samuel St. George Rogers Esqr his Attorney and
the Said Defendant plead not guilty - and put himself
upon the Country, thereupon came a Jury to wit;
Isaih Thomas, Cornelius Johns, Joseph B. Holder, Robt Bevan
William B. Wimberly, Martin Wimberly, Mathew Chesser, David
Gillett, John A. Celon, William Malphurs, Wm H. Carpenter
William T. Malphurs, who being duly Elected tried & Sworn
the truth to Speak and a true deliverence make between the
State of Florida and the Said Arnold B. Fussell.
Whereupon Burrel Stokes, Stephen McKinney, William
J. Watson, Samuel Geiger, Sally Messer, Levy Long and
Eli Ramsey were sworn to give Evidence on behalf of
the prosecution, and the Said Jury having heard the
evidence and the arguments of Council retired out
of Court to Consider of their verdict; and thereafter and
upon the Same day the Said Jury returned into Court
and rendered the following verdict,
We the Jury find the Defendant Guilty and
assess his fine at One Hundred Dollars, thereupon it is
Considered and adjudged by the Court that the Said
defendant pay to the State of Florida a fine of One
Hundred Dollars together with the Costs of this prosecution
and that he stand Committed untill the Said fine and
costs be paid whereupon he is remanded into cus=
State of Florida } Indictment
as } for
William Sparkman } Libel
It appearing that the Defendant not being
arrested on motion of the Solicitor it was ordered that
this case be continued and that an alias capias do