Tuesday 9th Decr 1851
The Grand Jury Came into Court and presented the
following bills of Indictment
State of Florida } Carrying arms Secretly
vs } assault with intent to kill
Jno C. Richard Jr } a True Bill
Jno M. Geiger foreman
State of Florida }
vs } assault with intent to kill
Jno C. Richard Jr } not a true Bill
Jno M. Geiger foreman
State of Florida }
vs } Carrying arms Secretly
John T. Prevatt } a True bill
Jno M. Geiger foreman
Whereupon the Grand Jury retired to consider
the business before them
William S. Rockwell }
vs } assumpsit
Moses Slaughter }
By Consent of parties it was
ordered that this case be continued untill the next
term of this Court
J.G. Brown } Motion for Execution to issue
vs }
G.W. Sanchez admr of }
Francis R. Sanchez decd}
Defendant appearing and Showing
no cause to the contrary it is ordered that an alias
execution do issue
William O. Stephens presented a petition to the Court
for leave to practice Law in the Several Courts in this
State, Whereupon the Court Appointed John P. Sanderson &
C.A.M. Mitchell,Esqr a Committee to examine
said applicant, Francis P. Wheaton Esqr was added to Said