Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 063
is as follows, If Malinda McKinney Shall be and appear
at the next term of this Court to answer to her conviction
for adultery and Shall not depart the same without the leave
thereof and Shall in the mean time keep the peace and not
violate the laws of the State of Florida then this reconizance
to be null and void otherwise to remain in full force
and virtue

State of Florida  }
       vs         }  Adultery & Fornication
Sarah Wilkerson   }
                     On this day came the Solicitor of the
State of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the
pleas of the State in this behalf and the defendant in person
and the Said defendant plead Guilty & with the consent of
the Solicitor Submitted her case to the Court and the
Court Suspended the Sentence untill the next term of Court
       Sarah Wilkerson appeared in Court and acknow=
-ledged herself to owe and stand indebted to the State of
Florida in the Sum of Two hundred Dollars to be levied of
her goods and chattles lands and tenements if default
be made in the Condition of this reconizance which is
as follows, If the Said Sarah Wilkerson Shall be and
appear at the next term of this Court to answer to
a Conviction for adultery & fornication, and Shall not
depart the Same without leave thereof, and Shall in
the mean time keep the peace and not violate the
laws of the State of Florid then this reconizance to be
null & void otherwise to remain in full force and

   The following persons were Sworn to give Evidence
to go before the Grand Jury to wit:  B.L. Johns, William
Powel, Cornelius Johns, Giles Burnett, G.L. Brown
Wm Dell, Jeptha Knight, John G. Rawls, C.F. Fitchett
B.S. Stokes, I.J. Carter, Jas S. Chesser, S.F. Halliday
T.J. Prevatt, Robt Campbell, Swepson Whitehead, Arthur
Floyd, Madison Dixon, Leml Wilson, H.C. Wilson,
Wm J. Turner & Britton Dixon

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 4 April 2011
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