State of Florida }
vs } Fornication
Elmira Ellis } a true bill
J.M. Geiger Foreman
State of Florida }
vs } resisting process
John S. Chesser } no bill
J.M. Geiger Foreman
Whereupon the Grand then retired to consider
the business before them
State of Florida }
vs } Carrying arms Secretly
Jno T. Prevatt }
On this day came as well the Solicitor
of the State of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who
prosecutes the pleas of the State in this behalf as
the defendant in his own proper person and
James T. Maghee his Attorney and the Said Defendant
plead not guilty and put himself upon the County
thereupon came a Jury to wit Rbt Bevau, McKeen
Carlton, Thos B. Holder, Joseph Warren, Wm F. Smith
Ben Mills, Saml Baxley B.T. Stokes, David Gillett
Wm T. Malphurs, Isaih Thomas & Cornelius Johns
who being duly Elected tried and Sworn the truth
to Speak, and true deliverance to make between the
State of Florida and the Said defendant
Giles Burnett was examined on behalf of
the prosecution
And the Said Jury having heard the Evidence
and the argument of Councill and the charge of the
Court retired out of Court to consider their verdict
and thereafter and upon the Same day returned into
Court and rendered the following verdict
We the Jury find the Defendant Guilty
whereupon the Court, Sentenced the Said
John T. Prescott to pay to the State of Florida the
fine of five dollars together with the costs of this
prosecution, and to stand Committed till Said
Said fine and costs be paid, thereupon he was
remanded into custody |