Thursday Decbr 11 1851
The Court met pursuant to adjournment Present
The Honl Thos Douglas &c
The Committee appointed to examine Geo W. Means and
William O. Stephens, for admission to the Bar made the
following report
In Circuit Court
Eastern Circuit
Alachua County
The undersigned who were appointed by order of the
Court to examine Geo W. Means and William O. Stephens
candidates for admission to the Bar, touching their
Qualifications, beg leave to report that they have performed
the duly assigned them by examining the above named
Gentlemen in open Court this day and being Satisfied
with the Qualifications recommend that they be admitted
to practice in the Courts of this State all of which is
respectfully Submitted
C.A.M. Mitchell
Decbr 11 1851 Frances J. Wheaton
J.P. Sanderson
Whereupon it os ordered by the Court that the
Said Geo Means and William O. Stephens be admitted to
plead and practice as attorney and Counsellor at law
in the Several Courts of this State, and the Said Geo
W. Means and William O. Stephens having taken the oath
prescribed by law in Such Cases it is ordered that their
names be entered in the roll of attorneys & Counsellors
at law of this Court
The following named Jurors were Sworn to give
Evidence before the Grand Jury to wit
John T. Prevatt, Jno Cason, Jno W. Burnett, Aaron Smith
Jas Jenkins, Elijah Barrow, Saml W. Burnett, S. Whitehead
N.A. Strobhar, C.L. Wilson Brit Dixon, W.W. Scott
H Gibbons