Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
Judgment Record A* Page 075
                  Circuit Court Eastern Circuit Florida
                  County of Alachua

    At a regular term of the Circuit Court of the Eastern Circuit of
the State of Florida for the County of Alachua began and held at the
Court House in Newnansville in Said County of Alachua on Monday
the (3d) third day of May one thousand Eight hundred and Fifty
      Present the Honl Thos Douglass Judge &c

      The venire Heretofore issued being returned and the Jurors
Summoned to attend at this term of the Court being called Thirty
One Jurors answered to their names, to wit:

   1   Samuel Saunders              17   John Little
   2   Henry Sullivan               18   Daniel Conyers E
   3   Thomas Tillis                19   Wm Colson
   4   N.A. Strobhar                20   Geo W. Bates
   5   Joseph Lancaster             21   Solomon Warren
   6   A. Holt                      22   Madison Weeks
   7   Saml Thomas                  23   James Fennell
   8   James Hague                  24   Peter Sparkman
   9   Guilford Sykes E             25   Arnold Thigpen
   10  Wade Bryant                  26   Jno D.A. Weimer
   11  Jeptha Knight E              27   Danl Morrison
   12  C.W. Merry                   28   Robt Campbell
   13  Hope H. Colson               29   B.D. White
   14  Wm Mott                      30   Jno B. Standly
   15  James T. Thomas              31   Geo W. Sanchez
   16  John A. Dean E

          The following named persons good and Lawful
men drawn according to Law to Serve as Grand Jurors at
the present term of the Court, to wit:

    1   William Colson              9   Wm Mott
    2   B.D. White                  10  Jas T. Thomas
    3   Henry Sullivan              11  John Little
    4   Thos Tillis                 12  Solomon Warren
    5   N.A. Strobhar               13  Arnold Thigpen
    6   A. Holt                     14  Jno D.A. Weimer
    7   James Hague                 15  Robt Campbell
    8   Hope H. Colson
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 7 April 2011