Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 076
Monday  May 3d 1852

The Grand Jurors having retired Selected as their Foreman
William Colson who was appointed by the Court Such
Foreman. The Grand Jurors were then Sworn & the Court
thereupon delivered its charge

James B. Colson was duly Sworn to attend the
Grand Jury during the present term, Whereupon the Grand
Jury retired to their room

The Following Jurors were excused from Serving on the
Jury,  Guilford Sykes, Jeptha Knight, Jno A. Dean, Danl Conyers

The following Jurors were absent (viz) J. McGachagan
Lewis Blackshear, S.B. Colding, Reason Terrill, N.D. Hagan
H.B. Turner & E. Barrow

James A. Scott appearing it was ordered that his name
be Enrolled amoung the list of attorneys,

State of Florida  }
      vs          }  Adultery & Fornication
Warren Moore      }
                                        It appearing to the Court that
the Defendant in this case has not been arrested it is ordered that
this case be continued and that a Pluries capias do issue

State of Florida           }
       vs                  }  Adultery & Fornication
Amelia Ann Elizabeth Bryant}
                             The Same order as the foregoing in all respects

State of Florida         }
       vs                }  Libel
William Sparkman         }
                             The Same order as the foregoing in all respects

State of Florida         }
         vs              }  Carrying arms Secretly
Stephen Moore            }
                            On this day came as well the Solicitor 
of the State of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the pleas 
of the State in this behalf and the Defendant in person, and 
the said Defendant plead guilty and by the consent of the
Solicitor submitted his case to the Court whereupon the Court Sentenced 
the Said Stephen Moore to pay to the State of Florida a fine of Five Dollars 
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 April 2011
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