Monday March 3 1852
State of Florida }
vs } Adultery & Fornication
John Dixon }
On this day came as well the Solicitor of the State
of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the pleas of the State
in this behalf and the Defendant in person and James A. Scott his
Attorney, and the said Defendant plead not guilty and put himself
upon the country Thereupon came a Jury to wit Saml Saunders Joseph
Lancaster, Saml Thomas, Wade Bryant, C.W. Merry, James Fennell, Peter
Sparkman, Jno R. Standly Geo. W. Sanchez, Wm J. Turner, & Geo W. Bates & Jas Stewart who
being duly elected tried and Sworn the truth to speak and a true de
liverance to make between the State of Florida and the said John
Dixon -- Bretton Dixon Madison Dixon and Jeptha Knight
were sworn and examined as witnesses on behalf of the prosecution, and
the said Jury having heard the Evidence and the Arguments of Counsel
and the charge of the Court retired out of court to consider of
their verdict, and by consent of parties it is agreed that the
said Jury shall return a sealed verdict when they shall have
agreed upon the same
Court adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 OClock
Tho Douglas Judge
&c &c
Tuesday Morning 10 Oclock May 4th 1852
Court met pursuant to adjournment
Present Hon Thos Douglas Judge
State of Fla }
vs } Adultery & Fornication
John Dixon }
The Jury empannelled in this case came into court
and rendered the following verdict - "We The Jury find the Defendant
guilty and assess his fine at One Dollar Thereupon it is considered and
adjudged by the court that the said Defendant do pay to the State
of Florida a fine of one Dollar together with the cost of this
prosecution, and to stand committed until the said fine and costs
be paid - Thereupon he was remanded into custody
It is ordered by the Court that a rule issue against J. McGath-
agan, Lewis Blackshear, S.R. Colding, Reason Terrill, N.D. Hagan
H.B. Turner, & E. Barrow to Show Cause why they did not attend
as Jurors at this term of Court & why they should not be fined
for non-attendance