Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 081
State of Florida  }
        vs        }  Firing Lands
John Dixon        }     On this day came as well the Solicitor of the
State of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the pleas of the State
in this behalf and the Defendant in person, and James A. Scott his Attorney
and the said Defendant plead not guilty and put himself upon the
country Thereupon came a Jury to wit J.A. Standley  Peter Sparkman  Saml
Saunders, William Brooks, James Fennel, B.M. Dell, Geo W. Sanchez  Saml Thomas
Geo W. Porter  Isaac Johns, Wade Bryant, & Joseph Lancaster - who being duly
elected tried & sworn the truth to speak and a true deliverance to make between
the State of Florida and the said John Dixon
Wm J. Turner, Leander Osteen, Henry Sparkman, Phebe Sparkman, B.M. Dell
and Cornelius Rein were sworn and Examined as witnesses on behalf of
the prosecution, and James T. Thomas, and Geo W. Bates on behalf of the
defence, and the said Jury having heard the Evidence and the Arguments
of Counsel and the Charge of the Court retired out of court to consider
of their verdict, and thereafter and upon the same day the said Jury
returned into court and returned the following verdict "We the Jury
find the Defendant guilty and assess a fine of two Dollars - Thereupon
it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said John Dixon
do pay to the State of Florida a the fine of two dollars together with the
costs of this prosecution and to stand committed until said fine &
cost be paid - Thereupon he was remanded into custody -

State of Florida   }
      vs           }  Adultery &  Fornication
Elmira Ellis       }  On this day came as well the Solicitor of the State 
of Florida John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the pleas of the State in this behalf 
and the Defendant in person and James A. Scott her Attorney and the said Defendant 
plead not guilty, and put herself upon the country - Thereupon came a Jury 
to wit Jno Sparkman Saml R. Johnson  Henry Sweeney Stephen Moore Thos Holder
M.S. Perry Isham Thomas  C.W. Merry  Danl Morrison  Geo Preston  Jacob Godwin
& Solomon Godwin who being duly Elected tried & sworn the truth to speak 
and a true deliverance to make between the State of Florida and the said Elmira
Ellis -        Britton Dixon  Madison Dixon   John Dixon,  and Geo
R. Payne were sworn and Examined as witnesses on behalf of the prosecution
and the said Jury having heard the Evidence and the Arguments of Counsel and 
the Charge of the Court retired out of court to consider of their verdict, and 
thereafter and upon the same day returned into court and returned the following verdict 
"We the Jury find the Defendant guilty and assess a fine of one hundred Dollars  
     Thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said Elmira
Ellis do pay to the State of Florida a fine of One hundred Dollars together with 
the costs of this prosecution and to stand committed until said fine 
& cost be paid - Thereupon he was remanded into custody -

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 March 2011
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