Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 082
Saml M. Clyatt   }  McRob ****
       vs        }  Scire Facias
John Waterston   }  Smith
                    On this day came Defendant by his attorney and
            having there being Solemnly called 
the Plaintiff^came not but made default, whereupon on motion of Deftdts
Counsell it is ordered that this case be dismissed at costs of Plaintiff

William Dell      }  Hately
      vs          }         Assumpsit
Isaac Johns & wife}  Smith
                       On this day came the parties by their Attys
and on motion of Plaintiffs counsel, sufficient cause being shown to the
court it is ordered that this case be continued

Seaborn J. Standly}   Smith
        vs        }          Assumpsit
John Kittler      }   Hately, Hagber
                          The Same order as the foregoing in all respects -

David Jayne       }   Sanderson
       vs         }          Assumpsit
John S. Livingston}   Payne              the parties appeared by their attorneys &
                          Upon the calling of this case^upon it appearing
that no plea had been filed to the declaration, and on motion of Plaintiffs
counsel it is ordered that Plaintiff do have a Judgement by default, and
that a writ of enquiry for a Jury to assess the damages do issue return
able instanter, and the said writ of enquiry having been returned executed
thereupon cane a Jury To wit  Jno R. Standley  James Fennell  Wade
Bryant  Peter Sparkman  John Sparkman  C.W. Merry  G.W. Sanchez  Saml
Saunders  Saml Thomas  Geo W. Bates, S.R. Johnson and Jos Lancaster who
being duly elected tried & Sworn to enquire of the damages Sustained by
the Plaintiff and the said Jury having heard the evidence, the Arguments
of counsel and the Charge of the Court rendered the following verdict
   "We the Jury find for the Plaintiff and assess his damages at two hun
dred and nineteen 04/100 Dollars  Thereupon it is considered and adjudged
by the Court that the said Plaintiff do have and recover of and
from the said Defendant the sum of two hundred and nineteen 04/100
Dollars for his damages on acct of the non performance of the
premises and assumptions in Plaintiffs declaration mentioned together
with the sum of $9.85 for his costs in and about his suit in
this behalf expended And the Deftdt in mercy &c

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 March 2011
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