Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 085
for his costs in and about his suit in this behalf expended

The following persons were sworn as witnesses to go before the Grand Jury
C.F. Fitchett  Jas G. Bell  G.M. Galpin, Elijah Hunter, W.M. Ives, C.L. Wilson
Sam'l Russell, Jno Ellis, Bryant Osteen, Wm Walker, Jas Fennell, H. Sullivan
Court adjourned untill 10 Ock Wednesday May 5th 1852
                                       Tho Douglas  Judge &c &c

   Court adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 Oc
Wednesday May 5th 1852 Court met pursuant to adjournment
Present The Honble Thomas Douglas  Judge &c

Joseph B. Watts      }  Hately  Ives
       vs            }  Assumpsit,  Demurrer to plea
Samuel R. Johnson    }  Ives  Hately
                        This case coming on to be heard on
the Demurrer heretofore filed to the plea, it is ordered that the
demurrer be sustained; and that the plaintiff have leave to
amend his plea instanter

State of Florida     }
        vs           }  Indictment for receiving money from
George M. Galpin     }         Slaves
                                        It appearing to the Court
that Thomas W. Piles a material witness on behalf of the
State was not in attendance On motion of the Solicitor it
is ordered that this case be continued

Napoleon B. Hudson       }  Maghee - Smith
       vs                }    Assumpsit
Julian S. McDonald & wife}
       On motion of Plaintiffs counsel, no one appearing to oppose
that the order made on the first day of this Term, dismissing this
case for want of prosecution be set aside, and that said case
be reinstated on the docket; and that the case be continued for

Napoleon B. Hudson       }  Maghee  Smith
       vs                }    Assumpsit
Julian S. McDonald & wife}
               The Same order as the foregoing in all

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 March 2011
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