Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 086
Wednesday May 5th  1852

Ordered; that the Clerk of this Court, Samuel Russell
Esqr. Index the books of Record, the order, and other Books of
this Court; and also that he arrange in convenient order for
reference, and label and mark and letter the papers
belonging to the Clerk's Office

Ordered: that the Sheriff procure two office chairs with
cushions, and one dozen other chairs, for the use of the
members of the Court.

The Grand Jury came into Court and returned the
following Bills of Indictment

State of Florida    }
      vs            }  Fornication
Mary Brooker        }   A True Bill
                               Wm Colson  Foreman

State of Florida    }
       vs           }  Fornication
John M. Garner      }       A True Bill
                               Wm Colson  Foreman

State of Florida    }
       vs           }  Changing the mark of cattle
John Kitler         }       A True Bill
                                Wm Colson  Foreman

State of Florida    }
       vs           }  Carrying arms secretly
Job Richard         }          A True Bill
                               Wm Colson  Foreman

State of Florida    }
       vs           }  Keeping a disorderly House
Anderson Gillett    }       A True Bill
                               Wm Colson  Foreman

There being no further business before the Grand Jury
they are discharged for the Term

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 March 2011
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