Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 087
Elmira Ellis having filed a bond with the following per-
sons as sureties, to wit, William J. Turner, J.B. Standley, Asa
Clarke, W.M. Ives, C.L. Wilson, Saml Saunders, W.H. Brooks
E. Hunter, W. Dell, S. St.George Rogers, J.M. Rimes, W.D. Eubanks
James C. Standley  Philip Harrington and Joseph H. Lancaster
which bond it conditioned for the payment of the fine asses=
=sed against the said Elmira Ellis upon as indictment
for fornication at this term of the Court, together with the
costs of the prosecution - and said Bond having been
examined by the Court, is approved

Court adjourned untill Thursday 3 Oclock  May 6thth 1852
  Court met pursuant to adjournment
      Present the Honble Thomas Douglas Judge &c

State of Florida    }
        vs          }  Adultery
Melinda McKinney    }
                   On this day came the Solicitor of the
State of Florida, John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the
pleas of the State in this behalf, and moved the Court that
sentence be pronounced against the said defendant upon the
plea of guilty filed by her at the December Term 1851 of
this Court.  Thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the
Court, that the said Melinda McKinney do pay to the State
of Florida a fine of one hundred dollars and the costs of
this prosecution, and that she stand committed until said fine
and costs be paid And it is further ordered that process
issue until said fine and for the collection of said fine and costs

State of Florida        }
        vs              }  Adultery & Fornication
Sarah Wilkerson         }
                        On this day came the Solicitor of the State
of Florida, John P. Sanderson Esqr who prosecutes the pleas of the
State of the State in this behalf, and moved the Court, that sentence
be pronounced against the said defendant upon the plea of
guilty filed by her at the December Term 1851 of this Court
Thereupon it was it is considered and adjudged by the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 April 2011
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