At a regular term of the Circuit Court for the eastern Circuit
of the State of Florida begun and held at the Court House in
the Town of Newnansville on the Thirteenth (13) day of Decem-
ber AD 1852 in and for the County of Alachua-
Present the Honorable Thomas Douglas
Judge ___.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the venirie
and defective
Facias heretofore issued is informal ^ on Motion of John
P. Sanderson Solicitor for the State, the same is quashed
and a new Venirie ordered to issue returnable instanter.
Which was done accordingly and the following named
persons were summoned to serve as Jurors during the
present Term of said Court, Viz-
Jacob G. Stroble, Jessee Hagan, Daniel Stroble, Horace Merry, Jessee T.
Barnard, Henry Bouknight, John D.A. Weimer, Abraham Guthry, Charles
F. Fitchett, Samuel Chesser, George W. Boston, Daniel Hurst, William D.
Eubanks, Giles U. Ellis, I.T. Fennell, Stephen Dampier, George W. Sanchez,
Michael McCarrel, William Sapp, William B. Wimberly, John Dampier, Samuel
Gieger, B.D. White, Hope Mott, H.C. Wilson, Joseph G. Bell, Jonathan Turner
Richard Stokes, Samuel R. Piles, William Hornsby, Henry Sweeney, James Pindarvis
Arnold Thigpen, George L. Brown, John H. Thornton, John R. Hague, William Clark
Wiley ****** Wade H. Sparkman, good and lawful men
The following named persons were drawn in terms of Law to serve as
Grand Jurors in and for the County of Alachua and sworn accordingly
to Wit: John D.A. Weimer, Hope Mott, Saml Geiger, John H. Thornton, John
R. Hague, William B. Wimberley, William Hornsby, Daniel Stroble, Jessie
T. Barnanrd, Jacob G. Stroble, Wade H. Sparkman, Abraham Guthry, Wiley
Moore Arnold Thigpen, and Samuel Chesser.
The above named persons having been chosen as aforesaid, retired for the
purpose of selecting a Foreman were thereafter to wit on the same
day as aforesaid returned into Court having selected Samuel Geiger to
act as Foreman who was sworn accordingly.
Whereupon each and every one of the above named persons chosen to act as Grand
Jurors as aforesaid were duly sworn to act as such Grand Jurors in and
for the County of Alachua as aforesaid.