December 13, 1852
Henry W. Dickson } Mitchell
vs}assumpsit }
George B. Payne } Means,
On this day came the parties by their attorneys, and
the defendant saying nothing in bar of the plaintiffs action, It is ordered
that the Plaintiffs do have Judgment Nil dicit and that the Clerk
assess the damages, the Clerk having assessed the damages at Three
hundred and Twenty dollars and Fifteen cents ($320.15)
It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff
do have and and recover of and from the said defendant
the aforesaid sum of Three hundred and Twenty dollars
and Fifteen cents and his costs in and about his said suit
in this behalf expended and the defendant in mercy &c,
E.F. Woods & Co } Frazier
vs}assumpsit }
R.P. Holder & Co } Means
On this day comes the parties and the defen-
dants having failed to plead It is ordered that Judgment be
entered by default for want thereof and the Clerk assesses the
damages, the Clerk having assessed damages at Three hundred
and Ninety Nine dollars and Twenty five cents, It is therefore
adjudged that the said plaintiffs do have and recover of
and from the said defendants the sum of Three hundred
and ninety nine dollars and Twenty five cents ($399.25/100) and
their costs in this behalf expended and the said defendants
in Mercy &c
Elizabeth Townsend et. al. } Sanderson
By William Townsend Guardian } Debt
vs }
Joseph L. Bell } Hately & J.M. Baker
Now on this day came the parties and
the defendant having failed to plead Judgment is
entered by default, and a writ of enquiry awarded to issue
The Court then adjourned until 3 oclock ---