December 13, 1852
Court met pursuant to adjournment -
John C. Plant } Honstler & Rogers
vs assumpsit }
John H. Zawadskie } Fairbanks
On this day came the parties and
by agreement the above entitled cause is dismissed at the costs of
the plaintiff
The State of Florida } Sanderson
vs } Changeing mark of cattle
John Kittler }
Now on this day comes the parties and
the Defendant and acknowledged himself to owe and stand indebted
to the State of Florida in the sum of Three hundred dollars and
Bennet M. Dell and Peter Sparkman who each acknowledged
themselves to owe and Stand indebted to the State of Florida
in the sum of Two Hundred and fifty dollars to be levied of
their respective goods and chattels, Lands and Tenements the condition of said obli
gation is that the said John Kittler be and appear at
the Court House in Newnansville on the first day of the
next Term of this Court to answer to the State of Florida
in a certain Indictment now pending in this Court where
in the said defendant stands charged with changeing
the Mark of Cattle, and not depart the Court without
the leave thereof
Henry W. Dickson } Mitchell
vs } assumpsit
George B. Payne } Means
The Court then adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock
Tho Douglas Judge
&c &c