Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Record A*
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Judgment Record A* Page 098
December 14th

George B. Payne     } Means
   vs               } assumpsit
Zawadskie & Co.     } Mitchell
                               The like rule in all respects

H. Merry            } Means
  vs                } assumpsit
John H. Zawadskie   } Mitchell
                               The like order

O. Johnson & Co.    } Mitchell
     vs             } assumpsit
Samuel N. Caston    } Smith, Means
                               The like order

James Bank    } B.M. Pierson
    vs        } Debt
Michael McComb} Scott,
                               Continued no Declaration

WmColeson       }  Mitchell
      vs                   } Slander
Henry B. Turner }
                               This cause is dismissed on
motion of plaintiff

Ozias Buddington    } Zelverton & Taylor
       vs           } assumpsit
H.C. Wilson         } Scott,
                           This cause is continued
until the next Term,

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 11 March 2011
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